- Industry: Food & Restaurants
- Type of work: Creative Packaging
Custom 'Tappable' NFC Stickers for Customer Service & Sales
Our client, High River Autoplex & RV has served local area customers since their humble beginnings in 1998. They boast a 41,000 sq ft showroom and an 8-acre lot, one of the largest RV facilities in Canada. They wanted to explore a new digital integration to put the power of print to work for them.
We integrated a dynamic digital technology, NFC tags, into custom stickers to help them launch a contactless and enriched experience for visitors to their epic outdoor RV show. We also print large format banners, signs, and sandwich boards that stand out.
When show attendees hold their smartphones near the stickers, a touchless tap, the NFC chip prompts a reveal onscreen of all of the specs and details for that particular model of RV. Print and digital content work in an integrative way and our customer was happy with how we helped: “It was a really good experience because this was brand new to us… anytime we needed to do something or change something, my hand was held”.